Hiroaki Suga
Hiroaki Suga is a Professor of the Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science in the University of Tokyo since 2010. He received Ph.D. at MIT (1994). He was tenured Associate Professor in the State University of New York at Buffalo (1997-2003) and Professor in the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology in the University of Tokyo (2003-2010). He is the recipient of Akabori Memorial Award 2014, Max-Bergmann Medal 2016, Vincent du Vigneaud Award 2019, MIT TY Shen Lecture 2022, ETHZ Prelog Medal 2022, Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 2020, Hisayuki Matsuo Award 2022 etc.. He is also a founder of PeptiDream and MiraBiologics in Japan.
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